Easter Themed Pottery Crafts

Venue: Mossley Mill Old Museum
Dates: 6 - 27 March
Times: 7pm - 9pm
Tutor: Gillian Mangan
Age: 8 years + (all under 12 must be accompanied)

Delivered by Gillian from Gillybean Pottery, Each week you will learn new theme from Colling, slab work or basic slip casting, you can make Easter themed decorations, mug or bowl the possibilities are endless. The following week will be discussed at end of each class to allow you to get your ideas flowing. All pieces will be food safe.

All pieces made during the course need to fully dry and undergo two separate firings. For this reason, your pieces will be ready to collect usually within 4 weeks of the course finish. They will need to be collected from (Theatre at the Mill )

What to bring: Please bring along an apron to wear and an old tea towel. Wear clothing that you don’t mind getting a bit grubby.

All materials are provided.

Dates and times

This event finished on 06 March 2024.

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